Friday, January 2, 2015

How to Be Mentally Ill in 2015

A recent conversation I had with my shrink revealed that I am sick. As long as I'm not, apparently.    

Doctor: My official diagnosis is that you are suffering from what is known as Oppositional Defiance Disorder, or ODD.  

Me: Oh, that makes sense. I agree. I definitely have that.

Doc: You can't agree. You have ODD.

Me: I know I do, I'm not opposing that.

Doc: But you have to oppose it because you have it.

Me: I know I have it. That's what I'm saying.

Doc: You can't say that. I have to say it. Then you oppose it.

Me: But if I oppose it, I’m disagreeing with you that I have it even though I do.

Doc: Yes.

Me: Yes?

Doc: Yes.

Me: So you want me to say that I don’t have something I have so that you can say I have it? 

Doc: I’m not just saying it. You do have it.

Me: But what if I really didn’t have it?

Doc: You don’t.

Me: But you just said I do.

Doc: I did, but you said you do too.

Me: But I do!

Doc: You can’t say that. Then you wouldn’t have it. You can only say you don’t have it if you do.

Me: But what if I don’t have it

Doc: That’s better.

Me: No, what if I really didn’t have it.

Doc: Now we’re talking. A bit more of this and you may have Stage 2 ODD.

Me: Well let’s say just for kicks that I don’t have it.

Doc: Do you think often about kicking? Violent tendencies could mean stage 3.

Me: No, I don’t want to kick anything. I’m simply saying that hypothetically speaking-

Doc: As in alternate reality? Delusions?

Me: No!

Doc: There we go. Vehement defiance. Good.

Me: Alright. Listen, Doc. What if you didn’t think I have ODD. Then what?

Doc: You couldn’t really not have it.

Me: Sure I could. If I really didn't not have it, I could say, “I don’t really have this.”

Doc: But then you’d be opposing me which means you would have it.

Me: So if I have ODD and you say I do and I say I don’t, I do. But if I do have it and you say I do and I say I don’t, I have it anyway.

Doc: Yes, do you agree?

Me: No.

Doc: Good, now we’re getting somewhere.

Me: No we’re not.

Doc: Precisely.

Me: Errgh. So your saying whether or not I have ODD –

Doc: You do.

Me: Ok, lets say I do.

Doc: I did.

Me:  But now I’m saying it too.

Doc: You can’t.

Me: I just did.

Doc: But you can’t.

Me: But I did.

Doc: It’s impossible for you to have said you have it.

Me: Why?

Doc: Because you have it.

Me: So whether or not I have it, I have it, even if I don’t have it and I declare I don’t.

Doc: Especially if you declare you don’t.

Me: And if I do?

Doc: You do.

Me: I just can’t say I do.

Doc: No, you can’t say you do.

Me: But if I do have it?

Doc: You wouldn’t say you have it.

Me: Why can’t I say I have something if I have it?

Doc: Because that would be saying you don’t have it.

Me: But I do.

Doc: But you can’t say it.

Me: I’m not saying I have it.

Doc: Precisely.

Me: @&!#%!...... Like I said, if I have it or don’t have it, I have it either way.

Doc: No, not either way. You could just not have it.

Me: But that’s what I said!

Doc: You said you don’t have it.

Me: I know.

Doc: You said you don’t have it when you do have it.

Me: But when don’t I have it?

Doc: When you don’t have it and say you don’t have it.

Me:  What about when I do have it?

Doc: Then you would say you don’t have it.

Me: So I say I don’t have it when I don’t but also when I do.

Doc: Precisely.

Patient: Then when don’t I not have it and can say I don’t have it.

Doc: I don’t know. I’m just telling you you have it. If you didn’t have it you certainly couldn’t say you had it because then you would have it.

Me: O.M.G. So Doc. If I have ODD, and I say I don’t, I do. But if I say I do when I do, I also do, or don’t I? Nevermind, it doesn’t matter.

Doc: Exactly.

Me: Then how about now?

Doc: Now? 

Me: Yes, now. Do I have ODD right now? 

Doc: Of course you have it, don’t you think?

Me: No!

Doc: Precisely!

Me: So everyone always has it.

Doc: Only if they say they don’t.

Me: But what if they really do?

Doc: Then they say they don’t.

Me: And if they don’t?

Doc: What? Say they do?

Me: Yes!...No....No?...I don’t know!

Doc: Well now your suffering from DAD.

Me: What’s that?!

Doc: Decision Anxiety Disorder.

Me……Just give me my meds.   

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